Sunday, January 6, 2013

2012 Highlights

-Welcomed in the New Year with my best friend. Best New Years I've had in a long time.
-Keri, JP, and I all got to celebrate our birthdays together at Olive Garden!
-Discovered of my most emotional moments ever. Scared to death, but so happy at the same time.
-Lost of the worst things I've ever done. It's changed me forever.
-Went to Six Flags with JP(:
-My sister moved 11 hours away
-Quit my job
-Got to have 2 full week vacations with my family.
-Broke up for a jerk
-Got back together
-Ran out of money...cried a lot
-Went to 3 haunted houses
-Went to the zoo with my babe
-Screwed up
-Lost the only person that can make me happy.

Last year wasn't so great. Even more of an emotional roller coaster than 2010. I really don't know where tomorrow is gonna take me, but I can only pray that it carries me up.

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