Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Taking a Break... DAY 1

Well Day 1 is just about over and here are my thoughts for today....

Today was very lonely. I tried to keep myself busy as much as I could to keep my mind off of him. I went to lunch with a good friend of mine and we had a great time chatting and eating some of our favorite food. It was really hard not to check my phone every 5 minutes to see if he had texted me. Ugh...this is hard!!! I went to the bank after that to get some things done that I've been putting off. Then I came home and did some zumba to burn energy.

He caved and texted me tonight at 9:10. Oh how I love him :) I wanted to text back so bad!!

Keywords for the day:

Lonliness --> I miss him!
Sadness --> Thoughts of this being the end :(
Emptiness --> A part of me is missing
Running Thoughts --> He's all I think about
Guilt --> For getting him into this and being such a horrible gf
Confusion --> Unsure of what I should do

I'm not looking forward to tomorrow :/

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