Thursday, July 19, 2012

8 Months with my JP :)

Happy 8 months baby!!! I miss you so much!!! Ugh.... I can't wait for this to be over!!

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Taking a Break... DAY 1

Well Day 1 is just about over and here are my thoughts for today....

Today was very lonely. I tried to keep myself busy as much as I could to keep my mind off of him. I went to lunch with a good friend of mine and we had a great time chatting and eating some of our favorite food. It was really hard not to check my phone every 5 minutes to see if he had texted me. Ugh...this is hard!!! I went to the bank after that to get some things done that I've been putting off. Then I came home and did some zumba to burn energy.

He caved and texted me tonight at 9:10. Oh how I love him :) I wanted to text back so bad!!

Keywords for the day:

Lonliness --> I miss him!
Sadness --> Thoughts of this being the end :(
Emptiness --> A part of me is missing
Running Thoughts --> He's all I think about
Guilt --> For getting him into this and being such a horrible gf
Confusion --> Unsure of what I should do

I'm not looking forward to tomorrow :/

It's been awhile... New guy, new life.

Ok's sad, but true. I'm terrible at writing on a regular basis!!

There as been SO MUCH that has happened since the last time I wrote. Happy New Year 2011? Really?? LOL :) I have to say that 2011 was a really good year for me. Looking back at my resolutions, I have to say that I did a fantastic job at keeping them!

Resolution #1 - Zumba: I took a Zumba class from January to September and have lost over 10 pounds!
Resolution #2 - Save Money: Hmm well this one was my worst, but I do have a little bit in my bank account.
Resolution #3 - Dance More: Luckily, Zumba is I totally rocked this one! I love dancing ;)

Now for an update on my life...

At the end of 2011 things started to change between me and my babe. Yes, the guy I had been with for 5+ years. He had some things change in his life and it took a lot of time away from me. Unfortunately, I'm one of those girls who need a healthy amount of attention. So here's what happened...I had recently upgraded my phone to a smartphone, the problem was at a certain time in the afternoon I wasn't able to send/receive text messages. So with my smartphone in hand, I proceed to search for a free texting app that worked over wifi instead of phone service. I found an app called "TextPlus" and installed it on my phone, created an account, and even texted my babe's number to see if it worked. Heck yeah it did! I was excited lol. A few weeks had gone by, I was bored at home and got curious about this new app and all of it's features. I discovered that it had "communities" that you could join. I was this is like AOL chatrooms! I used to chat in those all the time....until my dad blocked me from it when I was in the 8th grade! LOL. I don't blame him...I would've done it to my child as well. Anywho... I searched for communities that I could join and decide to join a couple that were for people from my state. It only took a few minutes of chatting in there and I got pm's from a couple of guys. One being JP. And this is where my new life began.

To make a loooooong story short, JP and I started talking and I slowly got over "my babe". He still texts me every once in awhile, but I don't respond. JP and I have been together for 8 months tomorrow and it's been a rocky road, but thankful for him fighting for me, it's been some of the best months of my life! It's not easy being in a long distance relationship and it's not easy dating someone that's 7 years younger than you, so last night we agreed to take a week break from eachother. I'm not sure that we've went an entire day without talking or texting in these 8 months, so this will be a true test.

It's day 1 and I've shedded a few tears already. The car rides are the worst! I'm gonna have to make a point to turn on my radio next time I get in my car and just sing my brains out. I love him and I know he loves me probably more than I've ever been loved before. My heart breaks to think that I could lose him, but sometimes doing the right thing is the hardest thing we'll ever do :(

I know I have left out many details. And you're probably wondering why letting him go would be the "right thing" to do, but I can't share that with you and I hope you understand.

Right now I just can't wait until next Thursday when I can hear his voice again! .....but I'm hoping and I can get stronger as the days go by.